Action alerts and reports in defense of the proudly Confederate South
Thursday, May 2, 2013
You've heard about the communist manifesto being implemented in ameriKa?
This update on that is the richest thing since the birth of STUDENTSFORORWELL.ORG.
May Day! Communist Goals as Outlined in 1963 Coming to Fruition
Don't forget, experts in the former Soviet Union have declared Obama a true, hard-line, textbook communist -- in constrast to Russia's leadership today, which -- while far from perfect -- actually shows concern for its citizens' well-being and happiness. Here the politicians show none, on the contrary everything they do is clearly aimed at either advancing themselves or destroying us.
Airtight statement, no exceptions. So subjects are like that.
Personal opinions of blogger /\/.\/\/.
Here's a fine article on a great eating and meeting place:
We in the SCCAC are especially grateful for the Thicket's existence: our forces have been meeting there for something like twenty years now. But besides being conveniently located and hospitable (with a great, atmospheric meeting room) the classic Southern food served there can't be beat. I always order the beef stew, squash casserole, carrot salad, okra and tomatoes. Cornbread only, no rolls, and a few jellies.
We used to routinely pack the place during the height of the Confederate flag war. After it we moved on to other things but when Dr. Carter came back from his work opportunity in Louisiana we looked to stoke the Cause up again in every county. The first time we met at the Thicket again I could have cried, it was so good to be back. After the big flag rally which was immediately followed by a speech in person by David Duke, got mammoth media attention and made a History Channel documentary, Dr. Duke joined us for dinner at our accustomed spot. He told me my speech had been the best one -- I've never forgotten it.
The Thicket had nothing to do with his visit, didn't even know of it, didn't endorse it, etc. etc.