The KEEP THE FLAG rally was great last year considering the extremely adverse circumstances... and your SCCAC is gearing up for the next one. PLAN TO BE WITH US . Will you come take a stand again for Dixie? Members of CofCC, LOS, and SCV are especially welcome -- anybody taking a serious, responsible stand for the noble South, but above all we would like to see rank-and-file Southerners swell the ranks as never before.
Members of SYMPATHETIC NON-HERITAGE GROUPS are welcome as well, e.g. ABATE. If you love America and hate what's happening to her, you must love Dixie, because Dixie is the REAL America!
Help make this an all-Dixie event. We have contacted members and leaders of the above groups and await their response.
Every organization has to engage in constant shameless self-promotion (as in this page), but only because it's how things get done. Don't be put off -- we seek to network with other groups humbly and constructively. ***Don't let us*** end up bragging we're the only group hitting the streets for Heritage anymore!
You know what Southerners always do after an event -- they plot, plan and party. This will be no exception!
See you there. Nelson Waller 864-356-9966
Confederate Flag Rally
and LET US VOTE Demonstration
Saturday, June 25, 2011
North side of the SC State House (customary location)
Watch this space for exact time and other details.
come early to let passing motorists see your flags and signs!
A new governor is coming very soon and this poses renewed serious danger to the Confederate Flag at the Soldiers Monument in front of the state house. Legislators are telling everybody the Flag has no chance of coming down -- but we fear they are very naive. The NAACP, liberal media, socialist politicians and Chamber of Comm(unism) have never wavered from their goal of banning and then outlawing all expression of Southern pride in public, and you can rest assured that this will be one of the first issues they bring up to Gov. Sanford's successor. History sadly demonstrates that Sanford's admirable de-facto policy of stiffing them is not shared by other candidates for the job!
The dogs of hate are sharpening their fangs. COME TO THIS RALLY and help show all the abovementioned parties plus the general public and tourists -- in fact, the world -- that South Carolina is still not ready to cave in, that in fact the Southern cause will never die. They need to get it through their heads that many millions of modern Southerners are still proud, un-brainwashed, Reconstruction-proof, and absolutely unbending in their heritage defense.
We are the SCCAC. We are decades-long fighters against POLITICAL CORRECTNESS and for liberating Southern truth. Re the Flag, our message of NO COMPROMISE has never changed; our agenda is to let the people vote if "finality" is really what the politicians wanted in touting their long-sought Flag sellout. You have a message for the world -- this is your chance to say it, simply by helping swell the ranks at a crucial pro-Confederate event in the state where Dixie virtually began!
Speakers invited include the Rev. Robert Slimp, H.K. Edgerton and Kirk Lyons
JOIN US: Send $25 and your contact information to:
Post Office Box 2368
Anderson, S.C., yankee occupation code 29622
Membership includes subscription to The Real News, the SCCAC's print newspaper. For subscription only, send $10.
INFO: (864) 356-9966
EXTRA... EXTRA... RADIO ADS for last year's event were aired in Columbia. The text:
On July 1, 2000, the Confederate Battle Flag was removed from the South Carolina capitol dome. At that time polls showed over 65% of South Carolina citizens wanted the flag to stay where it was.
The politicians in Columbia ignored the will of the majority, made an inside deal which compromised one of our most sacred historic symbols. They dishonored the memory of the South Carolina Confederate veterans who gave their lives to defend our state from an invasion which ended with the burning of Columbia.
Saturday, June 26 at 1:30 PM [remember, THAT IS LAST YEAR'S date] the South Carolina Conservative Action Council will host a Confederate Flag Rally and Let Us Vote Demonstration at the north side of the capitol on the tenth anniversary of a day that lives in infamy.
We want to put the flag back where it belongs, on the dome and in the House and Senate chambers.and we invite you to join us at the Soldiers Monument between 1:30 and 4 pm. [remember, THAT IS LAST YEAR'S time]
Help us send a message to the world that we are proud of our history and heritage -- and don't forget to bring your Battle Flags. Paid for by the South Carolina Conservative Action Council.
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