Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Trey Gowdy, another "conservative" Republican traitor on immigration, needs to hear from you TODAY

Let's take apart the bunkum he's putting forth in concert with all the neocons and other extreme liberals:

Immigration reform

The Evangelical Immigration Table ran ads during the August 2013 recess to encourage support of an immigration reform bill that would allow a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. In the ad, Rev. Jim Goodroe, director of missions for Spartanburg County Baptist Network, said, "One of the things we're trying to do is trying to get Christians to first of all think about anything from a Christian perspective, including immigration... and realize that any immigrant is a person first." Gowdy supported the ad, according to a spokesman. Gowdy said, "The status quo has left our national security jeopardized with porous borders, our laws unenforced, our economy missing necessary skills, and families separated for years. But to achieve a long-term solution, any plan must first guarantee border security and restore enforcement of our laws. So while immigration is complex, I am encouraged by any groups who enter this discussion in good faith and are intent on looking for solutions." The ad also ran in Mick Mulvaney's district.[28]

1. Reform is not what they're talking. It's total destruction of all restraints on invaders swarming into this country, and total betrayal of the exact people who've voted him into office.

2. "Evangelical"? That wold imply some conformity to the Gospel. Where did Jesus call to abolish national boundaries, and thereby nations? "It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth" -- Ps. 74:17.

3. "Path to citizenship" -- this is just politically-correct baby-talk for "LEGALIZE THEM ALL." Genuine present citizens don't matter anymore -- these are to be ignored and mocked on the way to naturalizing every invader that wants to come here.

4. "The status quo has left our national security jeopardized with porous borders, our laws unenforced, our economy missing necessary skills, and families separated for years" -- no, Trey boy, "the status quo" doesn't do that. Politicians like you do! Our economy missing necessary skills? WHICH? People like you never give specifics, you just bleat clichés. If families are separated, who separated them? I didn't -- did you? And what makes it my business if they do?

5. The last two sentences are outright lies. You can't call for a path to citizenship for 15 million invaders and colonists while pretending you want border security and law enforcement. You are clearly, distinctly calling to ABOLISH borders AND laws governing them.

Trey Gowdy, major liar and traitor. Find him at 104 S Main St #801, Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 241-0175.


1 comment:

  1. 'Rose' & 'Christian Conservatives'
